Eat Regular Eggs? Its Not Harmful for Heart

Many people like to eat eggs, especially in the daily diet as snacks. For lack of time as an alternative to fried egg curry with rice or mashed potatoes to eat that many. The question is not what can not eat eggs every day or on a regular basis, with the doctors, patients, even among healthy people and yet there was confusion. Especially those with a little more age, diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes, or heart attacks have been affected, patients, or those with a high blood cholesterol or other fat, eat their eggs, or were asked to complete elimination.

Eat Regular Eggs? Its Not Harmful for the Heart

Many people used to eat the yolk instead of just the white portion. Because, it plays the eggs increases cholesterol, and high blood pressure, increases the risk of stroke and heart disease. So the idea is not true. Eggs does not increase the blood cholesterol levels as much. A healthy adult can receive a daily average of 300 milligrams of cholesterol. Just 200 mg of cholesterol and contain an egg.

So the experts, the American Heart Association dietary guidelines now they do not discourage egg consumption. Eat Egg white portion, but one should not be any problem, even with the egg yolk but one with high blood pressure, cholesterol and heart disease risk. A study has shown, five to six eggs per week, poor heart disease, stroke, or other types of heart disease, there is no risk.

According to the British Medical Journal, an egg a day is not harmful for the heart. A morning breakfast egg that has no effect on cholesterol profile, as much impact on your morning breakfast is sweet or fatty foods.

Egg protein, vitamin B-12, Riboflavin, Follett and contains vitamin D, which reduces the harmful effects of cholesterol increases. Even many of the preserved or processed meat and foods may be a better option than eating eggs.

Eat Regular Eggs? Its Not Harmful for the Heart

Many people eat duck or chicken eggs with the egg white or reddish suffer from confusion, in fact all the same eggs. Others prefer to eat raw eggs, raw egg and even more feel that this notion is not true. Rather, the bacteria risk of becoming infected with salmonella in raw eggs is playing.

Young people and those who do more than manual labor, they can eat eggs regularly. Even adults will be able to eat a few eggs a week. And those who become infected with various diseases has been weakened, they should eat healthy and regular eggs. However, patients should consult a doctor as kidney failure or renal filaria eat eggs, eat less protein in the kidney failure. However, in the case of some of the issues that may be allergic to egg plays, he will take the advice of the doctor.

Health and protein components of the diet regularly eat eggs for consumption, there is no controversy or confusion. 
