* Glycolic acid cosmetics, such as toner, cleanser and moisturizer to use. This acid contributes to eliminate itchy spots.
* Use of vitamin C-rich food. Three times a day on the itchy spot massage. Without vitamin C, vitamin C-rich food supplement that can be eaten with. Supplement to the doctor's advice to eat.
* Itchy spot three times per day for 5 to 10 minutes massage on the white part of the egg. Eliminating spot stays as is, itchy skin, use the procedure in those days.
* Itchy spots on the body to eliminate spots on a piece of lemon can massage for 15 minutes.
* Itchy spots to eliminate spots on the different types of oil per day for 10 minutes massage.
* Sugar, lemon juice and olive oil mixed into scrub itchy spots on it every day for 5 to 10 minutes massage.
* Two thick slices of potato with an itchy spots on the massage for a while. Potato juice to wait 15 minutes after getting the better of the cracked wash.
* Aloe leaves out of the inside part of the jelly-like, wait two hours and put on ringworm. Then wash with water.
* Make a paste comprised of apricot fruit, seeds removed and leave for 15 to 0 minutes, twice a day. Day is sufficient amounts of protein foods such as fish, egg white, yogurt, nuts, sunflower seeds, melon seeds to eat. They keep your skin beautiful. Will help the body eliminate itchy spots?
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