Every man wants his lush, healthy and smooth skin. To keep the skin healthy and beautiful, full and proper care when needed. Let us assume that the skin is some advice to the lush and healthy.

From the ultra violet rays of the sun 'A' and 'B' are harmful for the skin. Ultra-violet light on 'the skin to create different types of allergies and' B 'cause skin cancer. 'A' and 'B' elastic system, which affect both the ray skin polishing, who at an early age, wrinkled skin coloring and creating and mechta Wrinkles, sesame, black or brown blemishes left. So the men and women of all ages should abide by the following suggestions
* From 9am to 3pm, avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
* If you go outside, and everyone at the specified SPA-15-plus recognized standard 'A' and 'B', both rays prevented avoid using sunscreen.
* Any quality sunscreen to protect your skin will be able to a maximum of two hours. If more than two hours after the sun again, the body will put sunscreen.
* During the course of the blazing sun umbrella, the head of the larger cap should be used.
* When the sun thick cotton shirt to wear garments.
Smoking, chewing tobacco, tobacco, white, leaves the skin's main enemy. These are in addition to the hole in the face skin cancer at an early age to age, Wrinkles, folds and can cause scarring leading role. So should everyone of all ages, smoking, tobacco, chewing tobacco avoid.
Skin lush, healthy, beautiful, nutritious diet is very important to keep smooth. Fruits and vegetables are local and seasonal produce various types of vitamin, mineral and antioxidant. Not worth the price we all have to eat plenty of local fruits and vegetables every day.
There are many different types of fish and fish oil, skin-friendly fatty acids, which are relatively benign skin types and helps to maintain skin moisture. So wait a local species of fish to eat meat is beneficial for the skin.
Sigdhata and impossible to protect the skin of essential moisture. Various types of human skin moisture late autumn, winter and spring, the air humidity is low and therefore the proportion of moisture in the body decreases. So everyone should
At least twice the daily body lotion, oil, cream, glycerin, etc. apply moisturizer.
* Coarse and dry skin, such as space, hands, feet, lips, white petroleum jelly or Vaseline applied.
* After bathing the body slightly to the water level while the moisturizer to apply lotion or oil.
* Hands, feet, arms, all other parts of the body except Please do not use soap. Two days a week the whole body can be used in soap.
* Those whose skin is too dry to use oil or glycerin soap.
* 24 hours, at least two and a half liters of water to drink.
* Whose work is to use the extra water, wash your hands frequently, and their hands to maintain skin moisture, vinyl, gloves or gloves should be used.

From the ultra violet rays of the sun 'A' and 'B' are harmful for the skin. Ultra-violet light on 'the skin to create different types of allergies and' B 'cause skin cancer. 'A' and 'B' elastic system, which affect both the ray skin polishing, who at an early age, wrinkled skin coloring and creating and mechta Wrinkles, sesame, black or brown blemishes left. So the men and women of all ages should abide by the following suggestions
* From 9am to 3pm, avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
* If you go outside, and everyone at the specified SPA-15-plus recognized standard 'A' and 'B', both rays prevented avoid using sunscreen.
* Any quality sunscreen to protect your skin will be able to a maximum of two hours. If more than two hours after the sun again, the body will put sunscreen.
* During the course of the blazing sun umbrella, the head of the larger cap should be used.
* When the sun thick cotton shirt to wear garments.
Smoking, chewing tobacco, tobacco, white, leaves the skin's main enemy. These are in addition to the hole in the face skin cancer at an early age to age, Wrinkles, folds and can cause scarring leading role. So should everyone of all ages, smoking, tobacco, chewing tobacco avoid.
Skin lush, healthy, beautiful, nutritious diet is very important to keep smooth. Fruits and vegetables are local and seasonal produce various types of vitamin, mineral and antioxidant. Not worth the price we all have to eat plenty of local fruits and vegetables every day.
There are many different types of fish and fish oil, skin-friendly fatty acids, which are relatively benign skin types and helps to maintain skin moisture. So wait a local species of fish to eat meat is beneficial for the skin.
Sigdhata and impossible to protect the skin of essential moisture. Various types of human skin moisture late autumn, winter and spring, the air humidity is low and therefore the proportion of moisture in the body decreases. So everyone should
At least twice the daily body lotion, oil, cream, glycerin, etc. apply moisturizer.
* Coarse and dry skin, such as space, hands, feet, lips, white petroleum jelly or Vaseline applied.
* After bathing the body slightly to the water level while the moisturizer to apply lotion or oil.
* Hands, feet, arms, all other parts of the body except Please do not use soap. Two days a week the whole body can be used in soap.
* Those whose skin is too dry to use oil or glycerin soap.
* 24 hours, at least two and a half liters of water to drink.
* Whose work is to use the extra water, wash your hands frequently, and their hands to maintain skin moisture, vinyl, gloves or gloves should be used.
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