From acne or acne that is helpful in the following cases can be given that they do not pinch or pegs acne, cannot be out in the sun without an umbrella or cap, the face cannot be used in any type of cosmetic, should be joyful. You cannot use too much soap or face wash, hair oil cannot be used, cannot be used as hair gel hair. The above considerations are responsible for acne. So these must be avoided.
Acne modern medicine
The chemical peeling micro drum and art comevo angrignon acne treatment has been used. But the most important thing about acne acne patients must have a temporary sense. Acne is usually the pore and the inflammation of the mouth is for the oil glands. Acne lesions are the primary Camden, in which the two types. These shallow Camden the outside is black, said he blackhead. Deep Camden the white can be seen from the outside. So he called the White Head. The small grains, large grains, the grain may be with the crowd.
Acne is usually the face, neck, chest, back and sides of the upper portion. Why did the exact cause of acne is still calculated. However, the oil glands of the face with the pore and its error, androgen the plethora of hormones. AP EKNI of the microbial attack is blamed as the cause of acne. In addition, due to the acne is hereditary. Thinking of acne. However, too much stress, and increased secretion of the body from the inside androgen cause acne. Many of the men at the cosmetic use of excessive acne.
The middle-aged women, acne, excessive use of cosmetic, birth control pills, and menstrual irregularity. Natural acne that it is up to the beginning of youth. There are many way of acne treatment. A specific medicine is not good for the patient. For each patient, the skin type, the type of acne, acne treatment, according to the good. Of vitamin A cream is usually applied to the affected areas and is tolerant. Within one month of the results of the use of drugs can be found.
Caution in patients with acne
Acne nail infection by germs, bacteria in the wound may become permanent stains and holes. Should not be touched with the nails. Doctor's prescription drugs more often helps cure acne faster. Rather than causing side effects. Some of the rules are more common after treatment of acne is not growing. But then again became the new acne treatment will take.
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