What Causes Diabetes and Why

What is Diabetes?
If the pancreas does not make enough insulin or the body is unable to use the insulin produced, then that is not a disease of diabetes or urinary disorders. Easy to understand the way in which the body uncontrolled glucose. We eat all the food in the stomach after a different enzyme, by acid digestion process. The soft foods for the small (Small Intestine) and Large (Large Intestine) passed by and digest. This part of the digested it in simple terms, we can say Glucose, and that is not digested, it is out of the dirt, or as garbage. Glucose is the insulin adjust or uncontrolled when there is not exactly made This is what we call diabetes.

What Is Type 2 Diabetes?
There are two types of diabetes. One Diabetes melaitas (sugar exceed) Another insipid diabetes (sugar loss) - which is also another type of diabetes Gestational Diabetes is called (it is by pregnant women) For the treatment of diseases as diabetes, the two have divided melatas.

Causes  of Diabetes and Why.

1. Due to genetic or hereditary.
2. Due to virus infection and auto imunera.
3. Due to the heavy weight or fat, increase or extra food.
4. If you do not exercise.
5. Pregnant woman, or smoking during pregnancy and the baby.
6. If you are using long-steroid drugs (eg. desk methane)
7. Immediately after the birth of the baby cow's milk feeding (some children some extra practice for health reasons).
8. More snake food plays.
9. Because of malnutrition.
10. Due to stress or specific concerns.
11. The attacks of infectious disease.
12. The amount of fat in the blood is high.
13. Pancreatic disease or a plethora of other hormones.
14. Drug and chemical exposure, etc. reasons.
